Free Bat Make Up and edging Service When Purchasing a blade and 2 rubbers

Who we are

Our website address is:

This page sets out our privacy policy.

It describes the information we collect, how we look after it and how we may use it. By using the website , you agree with the terms of our privacy policy.

We only collect information that is necessary for us to provide Just Table Tennis products or services. This includes information that allows us to improve the services we offer and that allows you to consider related goods and services which you may find useful or interesting. Information we collect includes that required to become a member, such as your name, address, contact details, email address and date of birth.

Whenever you access the Just Table Tennis website, we collect and store information that is sent directly to our servers from your web browser. We also temporarily send small amounts of data to your browser. These are stored on your computer hard drive and are known as ‘cookies’.

Cookies allow us to identify who is using the site, making your use of the site quicker and more convenient by retrieving information that has been stored on our servers. This information will help us to continually improve the site and offer our members more of the content and features that they find useful.

We may choose to use technology that transmits a short confirmation to our servers when you open an email that we sent you. This lets us know that you have received the email.

We may get updated information about you from sources such as our couriers (for instance, that the address we have been provided is out of date). We may also, at some time in the future, obtain information about you from sources not directly related to us. This will be solely for the purpose of giving you information or making offers to you that are tailored to your particular interests or needs. If we do obtain such information, we will only get it from organizations that adhere to a privacy policy that complies with the National Privacy Principles or any other law or code implemented to protect the privacy of individuals.

In general, we only use the information we collect to:

  • Improve the design, features and functions of the site;
  • Provide information of interest to you;
  • Offer you goods or services

We only use the information we collect within Just Table Tennis, we will never share the information with others unless the following circumstances arise.

  • Legal requirements: We may have to disclose information because a law or court requires us to. If so, we will only share the information with the body we are required to share it with, and we will share no more information than we are required to.
  • If we reasonably believe it is necessary: We may share information if we reasonably believe it is necessary for the purposes of protecting life, health or safety, or to assist in law enforcement.

You can restrict how we share information

It may be IMPRACTICABLE to get your consent to sharing information about you, because of:

  • The number of Just Table Tennis  members;
  • We do not have contact information for everyone who uses the Just Table Tennis site;
  • Of the time it would take to get consent;
  • A proposed disclosure is commercially confidential; or
  • Requesting consent would jeopardize the purpose for which disclosure is made (for instance, to assist in prevention of a crime or to protect health and safety).

We will ask for your consent before sharing information about you, other than in situations listed in the section above, circumstances where it is impracticable, or where we are prevented by law from asking for your consent.
If we send material to you promoting goods or services, it will always clearly identify how you can tell us that you don’t want any more material sent to you.
We recognise the value you place on the privacy and security of your information. Once your data is on our servers, we ensure it cannot be accessed or tampered with by anyone unauthorised. We try to ensure that all our information about our members is complete, accurate and up-to-date.
You can contact us and request that we correct information that we hold about you if the information we hold is not accurate, complete and up-to-date.
We can amend or add to this policy from time to time. The policy currently applying will be displayed on this page.