[] Product low in stock

Butterfly Foam Edge Tape 10mm x 1 Blade – Blue (BTY-Foam-10-Blue) is low in stock. There are 1 left.

[] Product out of stock

Andro Alpha Step II Table Tennis Shoes – Blue – Euro 42.5 (Alpha-Step2-42.5) is out of stock.

[] Product out of stock

RADAK R2P Striped Leopard with Joola AGR and Andro Hexer Powergrip (RBP-AGR-HPG) is out of stock.

“Recent purchase and order”

From: Justin Riggs
Subject: Recent purchase and order

Message Body:
I recently purchased a new bat and bat protectors. When I completed the check-out, I realised that I had included a ‘company name’- the school at which I work. I have since edited this as I don’t want to the bat to be delivered to school rather than my PO Box. I am looking forward to receiving the bat. Enjoy your afternoon.


This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Just Table Tennis (https://www.justtabletennis.com.au)