[] Product low in stock

Giant Dragon Soft Anti Special – Black 0.5mm (SoftantiSpec-B05) is low in stock. There are 2 left.

[] Product out of stock

JOOLA Golden Tango PS – German Made Tacky Topsheet – Red Max (GT PSRM) is out of stock.

[] Product out of stock

andro WANOKIWAMI – MIDORI – Defensive, Made in Japan – Flared (Wanoki – Def-FL) is out of stock.

[] Product low in stock

Butterfly Maze Advance, Made in Japan – Flared (Maze-Advance-FL) is low in stock. There are 2 left.

[] Product low in stock

Butterfly Spin Refresh Foam Rubber Cleaner 150ml (Spin Refresh) is low in stock. There are 1 left.

[]: Order #47889 has failed

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Order Failed: #47889

Payment for order #47889 from Shannon Woodbury has failed. The order was as follows:

[Order #47889] (September 4, 2023)

Product Quantity Price
729 Focus 3 – Red 2.1mm (#focus-3-R21)

  • Sponge Thickness:

    Red 2.1mm

1 $20.86 (ex. tax)
729 Focus 3 – Black 2.1mm (#focus-3-B21)

  • Sponge Thickness:

    Black 2.1mm

1 $20.86 (ex. tax)
Tibhar Edge Tape CLASSIC 5m x 12mm – Navy/Yellow (#Tibhar-Classic-12-Navy)

  • Color:


1 $11.36 (ex. tax)
Subtotal: $53.08 (ex. tax)
Shipping: $15.50ย (ex. tax)ย via Aust Post Express Parcel up to 500g inc Sig
Tax: $6.87
Payment method: Credit card (Square)
Total: $75.45

Billing address

Shannon Woodbury
Unit 3 / 15 Pitt Street
Saint James, Perth Western Australia 6102

Shipping address

Shannon Woodbury
Unit 3 / 15 Pitt Street
Saint James, Perth Western Australia 6102

Hopefully theyโ€™ll be back. Read more about troubleshooting failed payments.